Family farm Mirjenko Mrakovčić

The production of Krk cheese has been in existence since 1984, when we had only nine sheep in breeding. Today, we are breeding a herd of 150 sheep sheep martins, which mostly concern husband Mirjenko.

From nature with love

  • Who are we?

    The family farm Mirjenko Mrakovčić from Kornić on the island of Krk consist of married couple Vesna and Mirjenko. The production of Krk cheese has been in existence since 1984, when we had only nine sheeps in breeding. Today, we are breeding a herd of 150 sheeps.

  • Our economy continues the tradition of producing our ancestors according to modern standards

    Only the name Magriž, the economy was obtained by a highly represented plant species that, despite the strains that bring salt from the sea, grow defensively on the rocky pastures of the island of Krk. These pastures are a free space where our sheep are fed, so the plant is a loose-leafed ingredient that gives the sheep's milk a special taste and therefore the specific flavour and character of our cheese.

  • Half a century of our family's experience

    Traditional old-fashioned production in a fashionable way and half a century of our family's experience guarantees a variety of quality products. With sheep cheese with a variety of specific flavors, we are making wine and olive oil as well. Today we count more than fifty recognitions at many events.

More about us

Dried figs
Sheep cheese
Zeleni bodul (polutvrdi)
Magriž (polutvrdi)
Črni bodul (polutvrdi)

What our customers say about us

Jasminka Pešut

„Odličan sir. Teško se odlučiti koji kupiti jer je svaki na svoj način poseban. Ljubazno i uslužno osoblje."

Nikica Vizinger

„g. Mirjenko je vrlo uslužan. Zanimljiva tradicija obitelji. Bogat i ukusan asortiman proizvoda.“

Viktorija Janin

„Sviđao mi se obilazak po sirani i upoznavanje sa samim procesom izrade sira. Zanimljiva je priča g. Mirjenka i njegove obitelji te kako je to počelo davnih godina. Prilikom kušanja sira teško je bilo odlučiti koji je najbolji."

Andrej Bundalo

„Sirevi su odlični, ali i ostali proizvodi koje sam kušao. Bilo je lijepo osjetiti pozitivan duh obitelji i djelatnika na obiteljskom gospodarstvu."

Robert Wernoth

Top Familienbetrieb der einen der besten Käse in Kroatien herstellt...Schafskäse klassisch oder mit verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen ( z.b. Rosmarin, Nuss, Trüffel und viele mehr..) darüber hinaus eine grosse Auswahl an anderen Köstlichkeiten ( Olivenöl, getrocknete Feigen, Oliven...) wir wünschen viel Spass beim schlemmen.

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